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North short fertility is a fertility clinic in Illinois. It is located in the Chicago area of Skokie, Illinois, with convenient transportation.Our mission is to provide the best care for infertile couples seeking fertility. We focus on compassionate, personalized care as couples cope with the physical, emotional and financial pressures associated with infertility. Our entire fertility clinic staff has adapted to the challenges faced by infertile couples.About 11% of couples experience infertility at some point during childbearing, which increases as women approach their mid-30s. In "normal birth couples" who have regular sex, the chance of pregnancy is 25% per month, and most people will get pregnant within a year. The American Society for reproductive medicine defines infertility as inability to conceive after a year of regular sexual intercourse. When you are over 35, the time will be shortened to six months.Although infertility was once considered a "female problem," we now know that half of all infertile couples will have male infertility. Special care will be taken to ensure that men are thoroughly examined before receiving any female treatment.Dr. Anne Borkowski is a postgraduate infertility specialist dedicated to providing the highest quality of care in a compassionate and caring environment. She has extensive training and experience in all fertility treatments.Our Illinois infertility clinic services include the diagnosis and treatment of male and female infertility, including standard fertility tests used to assess infertility.We provide medical treatments such as clomid, fertility drugs (FSH), intrauterine insemination (IUI) and advanced reproductive technology (Art), including in vitro fertilization (IVF), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and preimplantation diagnosis (PGD).We have a very successful egg donation program that can help women with reduced ovarian reserve. We work closely with many egg donors, sometimes patients provide known donors. The success rate of egg donation program is usually equal to the success rate of donor age group. For example, if a 20-year-old egg is used in the IVF cycle of a 38 year-old fertilized person, the success rate is equal to the 20-year-old group.We also have a procedure for freezing eggs to protect women's fertility. When young, eggs are frozen and fertilized until they are ready to conceive.It is very important to consult an infertility specialist in the early stage of treatment. When a couple is in the care of a fertility specialist and can usually better control the cost of treatment, it is easy to conceive.We understand the special needs of couples with infertility and their treatment. We treat each patient as a person and tailor the treatment plan according to the unique needs of each person. We strive to ensure that every patient gets the personalized, personalized and compassionate care they deserve.Our website contains extensive information about the diagnosis and treatment of infertility. We can also answer any questions you may have by phone.
Anne Borkowski
美国4250 Dempster St., Skokie, IL 60076